Tuesday, 5 October 2010

return to business as usual

We arrived back home last Wednesday, after a short hop to LA, a trip to a mall and then the long flight home. We were very pleased to be upgraded to Club class, and snoozed and snacked our way home. I was supposed to fast to reduce jat-lag, but when you're faced with champagne, a printed menu and proper china and cutlery it's difficult to refuse. Caroline's vaccine flask was opened a few times, but allowed through without incident and we arrived at Newcastle to be picked up by Dave. Fortunately I called from Heathrow or we might have been left stranded, Andrew having assumed that as last time he and Caroline were a whole day late, we would not be on time.

The children were quite pleased to see us, Dave was extremely happy and Ollie was delighted. We have both had a few problems sleeping, and although mine have seemed to resolve themselves as my jet-lag has disappeared, Caroline's are more intractable. It's lovely to be cooler again, but the heavy rain we have had is not so welcome. Dad is out of hospital and he and Mum are managing well, although it will be a long haul to get back to his former fitness and mobility. At least it's October and the grass should stop growing.

I have already heard from a few fellow patients, and hope to keep up to date with them all. Pam and Wesley have retrieved my glasses, and will send them back on their return to England.

I have tried to explain about the Oasis of Hope and my life-changing experience to anyone who has asked me about where I've been, but it's extremely difficult. I feel 'alive, refreshed, renewed and re-energised' !  The children and Dave are rather suspicious of the changes they know I want to make to their diet, it'll have to be softly, softly.

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